Sunday, April 25, 2010

Malang Tempoe Doeloe

Festival Malang Tempoe Doeloe 2010

My fav. Festival at Malang!!!! Festival Malang Tempoe Doeloe!!!!!! Time for vintage... costume,costume,costume!!

Start Time   :
  Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 10:00am
End Time:   : 
  Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 12:00pm
Location:     :
  Jl. Ijen, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Street:         :
  Jl. Ijen
City/Town:  :
  Malang, Indonesia

Prepare yor costumes guys....owh, i really an't wait for this!!!

Black Milk Collection


This is my fav. Teardrop Laced Jacket

 What do you think? Hot or not?
Mmmm.....remembering me of Lindsay's and Duff's for DKNY...


Long times...i've been busy with my college and also my novel's and design projects. Ahhh..busy days....

First time buat aku dateng ke pameran seni di Malang. First day i came with my papa the Pooh and we were amazed! Yiippy for our generation! Ide-ide yang unique di tuangkan dalam berbagai karya seni. Ada lukis, patung dan juga fotografi. Aiissssshhh...makin kreatif saja anak muda jaman sekarang!b^^d

Ini sedikit foto dari karya mereka yang ruaaarrr biasa! Cekidot!

Instalasi dinding by Yoyok

Seni Mutilasi by Tigis Purnomo

Instalasi - like this...ini kuenya asli loh! Pas gwe dateng buat yang kedua kalinya, udah disemutin terus laler-laler pada bergembira ria....

Oil on Canvas

Photography by Bobby Nugroho

Mix Media

Photography by Redy Agus a.k.a mas Kampret - RED'S Photography

Statue by Sugeng

By Didit Prasetyo Nugroho

me and Nedink a.k.a Meooonggg...

All these photos taken by Norman Bahagia

Buat yang mau menambahkan informasi silahkan hubungin saya atau tinggalkan pesan d comment! Tarima kasyong!